Ver la versión completa : Blender Art Magazine nº15 (in English)

  1. [Blender] Blender in a classroom
  2. [Blender] Einstein dwarf
  3. [Blender] Facial expressions in stupidus
  4. [Blender] Heros Blender animations
  5. [Blender] Product rendering
  6. [Blender] Product modeling: sds and details
  7. [Blender] Free characters and rigs
  8. [Blender] Back to basic
  9. [Blender] Acting for animation
  10. [Blender] Creating a facial expression library
  11. [Blender] Phonemes
  12. [Blender] Life After pose to pose: taking your animation to the next level
  13. [Blender] Editorial n 15 animation