Ahora están en el negocio de las películas. Wao. Buscando nuevas ideas? Según veo, tu haces la idea creas el piloto y ellos se quedan con tus derechos de la película y la llevan a la gran pantalla.

Que inteligentes son.

Le regalan 20,000 dólares a una persona y tiene 1000 guiones e ideas nuevas de dónde escoger. http://Studios, Amazon.com/.

First monthly contests.
$140,000 in Awards.
> $100,000 award for best movie.
> two $20,000 Awards for best script.

Deadline: january 31, 2011.
Winners announced february 28, 2011.
What is Amazon Studios?
Movies have ben developed pretty much the same bien since talkies were considered cutting-edge. But here at Amazon Studios, we believe 21st-Century technology creates opportunities todo make and share movies and scripts more easily than ever. We invite you to:
* Windows money. Amazon Studios Will award a combined $2.7 million in our first year worth of monthly and annual contests for the best scripts and movies. There is no charge todo participate. Learn more.
* get noticed. Your work Will be shared with a global community of filmmakers and fans, who can ofer revisións and advice. Screnwriters can se their words come todo life as full-length test movies made by directors vying for our $100,000 monthly Awards.
* get your movie made. The goal of Amazon Studios is todo work with Hollywood todo turn the best projects into major característica films.